What Is Your Credit Score Used For? Four Applications You Should Know

When working on your financial fitness, one of the first places experts say to look is your credit score. If you feel slightly lost when you hear the term, it’s okay; you’re not alone. A recent survey found that 31% of Americans don’t know their credit scores. Whether you’re looking for a new place to […]

Debit vs. Credit Card: 4 Essential Tips to Find Which One Is Right for You

That tiny piece of plastic with your name in your wallet or purse has grown in prominence in our commercial landscape. In 2019, there were more than 108.6 million credit card transactions per day in the U.S. alone. This staggering number shows how much we depend on credit and debit cards to make daily purchases. […]

How Much Should You Save for Christmas?

Just as you toss out the last bit of leftover turkey and mashed potatoes from your Thanksgiving dinner, songs, movies and advertisements hit the airwaves to let you know it’s the most wonderful time of the year. If you aren’t prepared, this quick turnaround to another holiday can snowball into an avalanche of stress. Unfortunately, […]

The Best Financial Literacy Programs for Youth

child studying finance

Financial literacy programs for youth have been filling a gap for decades in America, and the best ones are helping teachers and parents prepare children to confidently and comfortably manage their money in adulthood.

5 Tips for Guarding Against Debit Card Fraud

person using atm

There’s been an unnerving uptick in credit and debit card fraud since the coronavirus pandemic began in early 2020, but you can take some simple steps to keep hackers, skimmers and identity thieves at bay.

4 Compelling Reasons to Bank Locally


As the holidays near, a familiar perennial message will start sprouting up in store windows and on social media: buy local. The argument is a solid one, and for many of the same reasons, you should consider banking locally (if you don’t already).

Elder Financial Abuse: How to Protect the Elderly from Exploitation

Helping protect against elder financial abuse

If you find it hard to imagine that someone would target a senior citizen with a financial scam, you’re not alone. Who would do such a thing? Sadly, recent consumer protection data and financial exploitation statistics suggest that elder financial abuse is happening all over the country, and that scam artists who personally know the […]