4 Compelling Reasons to Bank Locally


As the holidays near, a familiar perennial message will start sprouting up in store windows and on social media: buy local. The argument is a solid one, and for many of the same reasons, you should consider banking locally (if you don’t already).

6 Ways to Be Smarter About Saving Money

Couple interested in saving money creates a home budget

Tips for saving money are everywhere you look, yet millions of Americans still struggle to set aside a portion of their earnings. If you’re looking for smarter ways to save money, keep reading!

Mobile Banking Benefits: 5 Advantages of Using Online Banking Apps

mobile banking

If you’re not using your smartphone to handle the bulk of your banking and money management needs these days, you might find yourself in the minority of today’s banking customers. Free online banking apps are widely available for local and national banks and are consistently winning customers over with an impressive range of benefits designed […]

11 Financial Literacy Tips for Kids

An older man teaches a young girl about financial literacy at a table with coins and a piggy bank

Seeing your child succeed creates a sense of pride and accomplishment that’s unlike anything else you can experience as a parent. It’s a fantastic feeling to watch your kids grow as they learn and have life experiences. A significant way you can help foster their future success is to teach your children about financial literacy.