How to Choose a Bank: Finding the Right Fit

Finding a new bank can be tricky. If you’re thinking about leaving your current bank, you most likely have strong, defined reasons for wanting to part ways.
4 Tips for How to Save Money Fast

There’s a tried-and-true formula for how to save money fast, and it consists of three major components: strategy, sacrifice and sustainability.
3 Sensible Reasons to Use Mobile Check Deposit

Mobile check deposit is one of those modern conveniences where old met new in a beautiful way, and we never looked back. It’s just so darn simple to deposit a check these days.
Form 1099-INT: What It Is & When You’ll Receive It

If you earned quantifiable interest on your savings or investments in the previous calendar year, be on the lookout for IRS Form 1099-INT in the run-up to Tax Day.
How to Spot Phishing, Smishing & Vishing Bank Scams

There’s a cruel irony to phishing, smishing and vishing bank scams that cheat anxious account holders out of tens of millions of dollars each year.
Best Mobile Payment Apps: Secure & Simple Contactless Transactions

Thanks to mobile payment apps, securely transferring cash in a flash is as simple as a few thumb strokes on your smartphone. Voila! Out of one account and into another.
Ask These Three Questions Before Refinancing Your Home

If plummeting interest rates and a desire to save money have you thinking about refinancing your home, be sure to answer some key questions before taking the leap with a lender.
5 Tips for Guarding Against Debit Card Fraud

There’s been an unnerving uptick in credit and debit card fraud since the coronavirus pandemic began in early 2020, but you can take some simple steps to keep hackers, skimmers and identity thieves at bay.
5 Foolproof Tactics for Sticking to Your Holiday Shopping Budget

Sticking to a holiday shopping budget can be tough when you’re feeling generous, but it’s important to match your gift-giving appetite to your personal finances. No one wants buyer’s remorse to spoil that special time of year.
4 Compelling Reasons to Bank Locally

As the holidays near, a familiar perennial message will start sprouting up in store windows and on social media: buy local. The argument is a solid one, and for many of the same reasons, you should consider banking locally (if you don’t already).